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Real clients. Real results. Real testimonials.


Playoffs Program

Simon Larkman

"Thanks heaps for your Playoffs program. It works! With your program I got the strength and confidence to take on the Playoffs and win! Sure it was only amongst 3 studios but still, a wins a win! Thank you for your personal advice and the best program!"


Personalised Meal Plan

Michelle Williams

Lost 4.9kgs in 8 weeks while maintaining muscle.

"I have loved trusting the process with my meal plan written by LBD! Eating more in my customised macro plan combined with my F45 training and seeing sustainable, maintainable results - and FINALLY jumping off the low calorie, yo-yo dieting band wagon."


Strength Program & Meal Plan

Rob Hunter

"I feel fitter and stronger! Overall I dropped body fat and weight but muscle mass is the same. You can tell in my pics that I’ve lost weight in my midsection and gained size in my back which I’m stoked about!"


Personalised Meal Plan

Matt Willson

"After trying out a few different meal plans I decided to give the lift by day one a try, and wow i wish I had done it earlier. Using the meal plan in conjunction with a challenge I was doing was so good . The fact that the plan was tailored to suit me, my goals and my exercise regime was perfect and I was blown away by the results!"


Personalised Meal Plan

Madeline Camacho

I really enjoy the basic nutritious foods that are easy to prepare and quick. Most people at work look at what my lunch is and says it’s really colourful. 


I wanted to eat more easier and basic meals that were healthy and sustainable for long term.


Even my doctor has said this is the healthiest I’ve ever seen you."


Cassie Taylor.jpg

Personalised Meal Plan

Cassie Taylor

"First of all this is probably the best meal plan I’ve been on. It’s so simple yet I don’t get bored, and I enjoy the food. Turkey avo and rice cakes are my jam! 

The first week at the end my partner told me I had lost lots of fluff around my stomach with is amazing!"


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