HYROX 12 Week Training Program
Training for an upcoming HYROX event, and want to get your best time possible?
Welcome to the HYROX 12 Week Training Program, which has been specifically designed by Peter Day.
This training program has been split into 4 distinct phases with a specific goal in each:
Weeks 1-4: Base & Build
Slightly more strength focused, whilst also improvig our baseline conditioning. This is building your body to handle the weight and distance of the event.
Weeks 5-8: Volume
This is where we start to improve our aerobic capacity and thresholds. There is plenty of conditioing, and we're increasing the km's and legth of our sessios to give us a great base to work off.
Weeks 9-11: Speed & Tweak
A lot of the workouts in this phase, we are going to track & time. We want to see improvements in our paces and times. There is plenty of interval work, and specific sessions to mimic the HYROX competition, and you can track your progress.
Week 12: Race Week
This week is all about tapering correctly, making sure to not overdo it and getting yourself primed and ready for the big day.
The program comes with 6-7 workouts per week, however if you're planning to train less, you can simply remove them but I have kept them in to give you options and ensure you're all prepped.
Any Q's, please reach out on IG or via email liftbyday@gmail.com.
Let's smash it out!!